Michael, Islington

Reconfiguration and updating of a listed building- Islington Georgian terrace
Photographer: Moon Street Studio

The clients wanted to ‘move’ a new bathroom from one floor to another, create a stylish new bedroom for a teenager, refresh the main bedroom and makeover the main reception areas of the house. We produced detailed designs of the reconfigured areas to maximise use of space and ensure colour was used to beautiful effect.

The ‘swap’ of bathroom and bedroom included fairly complex plumbing work. We worked closely with the contractor to ensure it didn’t affect any historically important elements of the house and to allow the family to remain in occupation during most of the project. In the reception room, a beautiful parquet floor was painstakingly fitted by the contractor, and we selected a new colour palette for walls and woodwork. A forgotten family painting coordinated really well with the new colour scheme so was brought back into service.

“Absolute carried out exactly the service I needed – beautiful designs, efficiently executed, great recommendations for contractors and specialists and significant savings from the trade discounts – they passed on 100% of these to me”