Philip & Andrew, Buckinghamshire

2 bed, 2 bathroom property with open plan living spaces
Photographer: Moon Street Studio

"Making a the bones of building a feature in the design, gave it a modern architectural feel that was offset with the use of natural finishes & pops of colour."

Following work to their London flat, the clients engaged us to design and undertake a large renovation of their main home near Aylesbury. The detached property was in need of drastic renovation to rationalise the plan and improve the quality of fittings, finishes and appliances throughout.

The clients were keen to invest in renewable technologies and, where practical, reduce the energy consumption within the house so we enlisted the help of a specialist consultant early in the process. We engaged an architect and worked with them to redesign elements of the house and get the appropriate permissions in place for the works. The result: a beautiful, functional and spacious home with renewable technologies at its core!