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Getting Started on Pinterest – Part 2

Absolute Project Management

Pinterest is a great tool for organising & communicating your ideas for your renovation.

If you are ready to dive in but not sure how to get started, here is our 2 part beginner’s guide to getting started on Pinterest. Read part 1 for advice on setting up your account and saving pins, and here is part 2: organising & sharing your boards

Step 4: Organise your board

Access your Pinterest boards from the ‘boards’ tab of your profile page

You can now edit & organise your Pinterest board.  You can access and edit all your boards from your profile page.

Creating Sections

If you have saved a lot of items, you may want to create ‘Sections’ – e.g. you may have a board for your whole house and a section per room, or a board per room and sections for furniture, lighting etc. To do this:

  1. Open your board.

  2. Click the ‘+’ button and select ‘Add Section’

  3. Enter the name and click ‘Add’

Create Pinterest Sections to organise your board

To move pins into your sections, click ‘Organise’. You can then select multiple pins and click ‘Move’ to add them to the relevant section.

Deleting, moving & copying pins

You can also use the organise button to delete pins from your board, move them to another board or section, and to copy them to other boards.

Editing your board details

If you want to update the name or description of your board, click the ‘Pencil’ icon to the right of the ‘+’.

Step 5: Share your board

Sharing your Pinterest board

When you are ready to share with us, click into your board and click the ‘share’ button to the right of the Pencil icon . You can send us a link, or share directly to a Pinterest profile.

Step 6: Follow people for inspiration

To improve the suggestions Pinterest gives you, follow brands and people.

Click ‘following’ in the top menu, followed by the ‘Add people’ icon for suggestions from Pinterest.

To follow someone specific, search for their name or profile in the top menu and select ‘people’ in the drop down. Our profile is APMLondon.

Whether you are just starting out or have boards full of dream home images, we can help you bring your renovation ideas into reality – get in touch!

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