Firstly, don’t panic!
Almost every renovation, however well planned, suffers a few hiccups. Some are easily solved; some require time, effort and ingenuity to work around.
As project managers, an important job on site is efficient problem solving.
See last week’s journal on avoiding issues and our below top tips on how to deal with issues when they arise.

It is normal to have a few hiccups during home renovation. A lovely home is worth it!
Constructive and Efficient Problem Solving:
Identify problems early – if you notice a potential issue, raise it immediately with the contractor.
Confirm the issue and the cause – to help decide how/ who is best placed to resolve the issue – not to allocate blame!
Ask the person at fault/ most able to rectify the issue; to propose a solution.
Agree (in writing) a solution which works best in terms of- finish/ cost/ timeline.

Early identification can help with swift problem solving.
If you’re unhappy with a solution – seek professional advice. Often talking through an issue face to face and on site is the best approach.
If the issue remains unresolved, consider-
Finding an alternative contractor to suggest a solution and complete the work.
Compromising – for example agreeing to pay extra to resolve an issue quickly, rather than arguing about it for months.
Approach everyone professionally and terminate fruitless discussions quickly. If someone becomes frustrated, defensive or even angry, it’s best to be patient and consistent in your approach – explain what you’d like done and allow people the opportunity to rectify an issue.

Don’t compromise on safety on site
When to stop work and seek help:
If the work/ site is unsafe and the contractor refuses to rectify safety concerns.
If someone is being threatening or violent.
If an issue cannot be resolved without legal action.
Would you like help with managing your project including design/ planning/ sourcing contractors and overseeing the work? Then get in touch. We have at least 20 years’ collective experience in residential renovation and effective problem solving!